Big Data
IStream Solutions Inc. has 4+ years of experience in Big Data and developing distributed data platforms to process large scale data sets in data lake. We help clients in Data Modeling, Data Processing, Analytics, Reporting and Security
Our Capabilities and Experience Includes
- Building flexible, loosely coupled, scalable and resilient Reactive Systems
- Creating Data Pipeline Frameworks that consume data from different data sources, validate, transform, process and store into Data Lake
- Building analytical and reporting applications that utilize the data pipeline to provide actionable insights into customer service, operational efficiency, and other key business performance metrics
- Migrating data from legacy system to new solutions, defining backup strategies and providing operational support for Management Information Systems
- In Batch processing, Spark Batch job consumes data from S3 in scheduled basis, process, and store data into Cassandra. In Real-time Streaming, data ingest into Kafka Stream -> Spark Streaming consumes data from Kafka -> process and store data into S3 and Cassandra.
- Implementation of project consuming 600 million records using Apache ignite and Pentaho at Salient CRGT.
- Real-time feed of insurance claims/enrollment transactional data into Hive HDFS Big Data Solutions, implementing analytics and profile data. Provide solution to different client systems to read analytical and profile information.
- Implemented Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)to store the FDA submissions on a dual clustered environment. HDFS helps our client to store millions of submissions received by them.
- Migration of data from Oracle database to NoSQL, distributed Cassandra database which can now handle the data across a dual clustered environment ensuring high availability for the Web Trader application.
Data - Big Data, NoSQL, SQL, Data Lake, Cassandra, Postgres
Reactive - Spark, Kafka, Akka, Play, Scala
Python - NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit Learn
Hadoop - MapReduce, HDFS, Hive, Pig, Oozie
Report - Tableau
Cloud Solutions
IStream Solutions Inc. has 4+ years of experience in Cloud computing. We have enabled companies of all sizes in replacing existing physical on-premises infrastructure with Cloud services. With Cloud solutions, we help clients achieve cost saving, self service provisioning, on demand usage, pay per usage, security, scalability and automatic software upgrading.
Our Capabilities and Experience Includes
- Developing cloud strategy and coordinating the adoption process.
- Establishing best practices for Cloud solutions across company.
- Governing infrastructure, storage, database, security, IAM, monitoring, auditing and integrating cloud services
- Migrating data from legacy system to new solutions, defining backup strategies and providing operational support for Management Information Systems
- Replacing on-premises infrastructure to Cloud by deploying application into EC2, ECS and Lambda, integrating data store by moving data into RDS and S3, integrating networking with VPC, ACL and SG, integrating security with IAM
- Role & Policy and KMS, integrating deployment management with OpsWorks, Code Deploy and CloudFormation.
- Implementing DevOps practices such as infrastructure-as-code, continuous integration and automated deployment
AWS - EC2, S3, Lambda, EMR, Athena, Kinesis, Step Function, AWS SDK, DynamoDB, ECS, Fargate, CloudFormation, AWS CLI, Boto3
Azure - Azure Virtual Machines, Storage, ACS, Azure Functions, Azure Event Grid, ELB, AZura Database, Data Bricks, Azure Automation, Resource Manager